United Romanian Breweries Bereprod
Descriere United Romanian Breweries Bereprod, known as Tuborg Romania, is the first beer company in Eastern Europe to develop a green field project as one of the most modern factories in Romania and even in the Carlsberg A / S group. Since 2005 when they first came into the market of soft drinks, the company has managed to achieve success and a top position. All this was possible due to a continuous opening to consumers, the policy of a total transparency combined with the desire to provide quality products, a cleaner environment and a better life, which is actually the work and professionalism of over 950 employees.
By implementing a human resource payroll solution were pursued the following:
• obtain features related to wage calculation, personnel management and human resources management;
• development of complex reports in a short time;
• all statements issued by the state;
• work with cost centers;
• entry and data processing in conditions of maximum security and privacy.
Solutii After a careful analysis of the existing solutions on the market, the company’s management decided to implement WizSalary solution and to integrate it with the WizTime application, magnetic readers using the same structure already existing in the company, without requiring changes or additional investment.
Implementing the solution offered by Wizrom:
- facilitates the development of consolidated reports;
- permits the import and export of data with other applications used by the company;
- gives the opportunity to export wages to any bank in Romania;
- provides an aggregate system for managing the company's employees.
Marturie There were several factors which led to the decision to choose WizSalary and WizTime solutions, starting from the prompt response from the supplier to the legislative changes in this field, its experience in implementing for large companies, the services provided and last but not least the usability.