Puteti face parte din familia tot mai numeroasa a companiilor din Romania care se bazeaza, cu incredere, pe serviciile noastre de outsourcing IT, livrate de furnizori profesionisti, la costuri mai eficiente decat daca ar fi prestate intern. Astfel, va puteti concentra atentia si resursele pe ceea ce reprezinta core-business pentru organizatia dumneavoastra, lasand partea informatica pe seama unui furnizor de incredere de externalizare servicii IT, performant, la costuri optimizate si beneficiind, in acelasi timp, de acces la tehnologii de ultima ora, fara cheltuieli suplimentare pentru cercetare si dezvoltare.
O parte dintre serviciile de outsourcing pe care le oferim sunt:
- Consultant tehnic – furnizeaza cunostinte critice in cadrul implementarii unei solutii, prin intelegerea cerintelor tehnice si a instrumentelor necesare pentru instalare, administrare, upgrade sau extinderi ulterioare. Acest rol poate include si audit si suport tehnic pentru infrastructura hardware si software. Pentru proiecte cu cerinte specifice, Wizrom poate aloca, de asemenea, specialisti pentru rolurile de Inginer de sistem sau Inginer de retea.
- Programator – cu urmatoarele specializari: Microsoft SQL Server (2000, 2005, 2008 – T/SQL, DTS, OLTP, OLAP, Integration Services), Oracle (8i-10g), Sybase, Visual Studio (C#, C++ – MFC/ATL/WTL, ASP.NET, Windows Mobile 5/6), Oracle Forms, iBOLT, Java, PHP, integrate cu capabilitati analitice.
- Administrator de baze de date – specialistii nostri vor oferi servicii complexe, de la o prognoza amanuntita si elaborarea unui plan de masuri ce se impun pentru remedierea eventualelor probleme si functionarea bazei de date in conditii optime, la mentenanta periodica a bazei de date, verificarea si optimizarea timpilor de rulare a procedurilor de interogare a bazei de date si chiar la servicii de tip disaster & recovery.
- Manager de proiect – ofera experienta si know-how pentru planificarea si derularea proiectelor de implementare a aplicatiilor software.
In functie de necesitatile specifice ale diferitelor proiecte, va vom propune o lista cu persoanele care se potrivesc cel mai bine cerintelor, incluzand si documentarea detaliata a experientei, competentelor si a ariei de expertiza.
Now you can be a part of the big family of companies which trustfully rely on our IT outsourcing services, delivered by professional suppliers, at more efficient prices than having them internalized. This way, you can turn your attention and redirect your resources to your core business, while leaving the IT services to a reliable, competitive supplier, at optimal costs and enjoying in the same time the access to the latest technologies, with no extra costs for R&D.
Here are some of the outsourcing services we offer:
- Technical Consultants provide critical knowledge to an implementation by understanding the technical requirements and tools necessary to implement, upgrade, administer, and extend the applications. For more specific projects, Wizrom can also provide specialized personnel for System Engineer and Network Engineer roles.
- Our Software Developers can offer both individual programming tasks and overview of the project on the application level. Their main expertise refers to: Microsoft SQL Server (2000, 2005, 2008, 2012 – T/SQL, DTS, OLTP, OLAP, Integration Services), Oracle (8i-10g), Sybase, Visual Studio (C#, C++ – MFC/ATL/WTL, ASP.NET, Windows Mobile 5/6), Oracle Forms, iBOLT, Java, PHP, integrated with analytical capabilities.
- Database administrator – the role includes the development and design of database strategies, monitoring and improving database performance and capacity, and planning for future expansion requirements. At request, our Database Administrators may also plan, co-ordinate and implement security measures to safeguard the database.
- Project Managers provide you with their experience and know-how in planning and leading software projects.
Based upon the necessities of a specific project, Wizrom will propose a list of persons that best fit the requirements, also including in-detail documentation about expertise, competencies and experience.