Ecolab Romania


The fact that I work in a top multinational company made me change my perception about the style and willingness to work to obtain the data required by the company management in a very short time. Practically, it does not matter how and how much you work for getting the data, but the time that can be delivered. Precisely for this reason, I was very open to all that is new and adds value to the quality of work in Ecolab.

Together with the CFO, we decided to implement WizPro, with the conviction we can have more complex data in a shorter time, especially for colleagues in sales department. Because Ecolab is a sales-based company and the reaction speed over the competition is essential. Wiz greatly assists us in generating complex sales reports that can be easily emailed, can also be very user-friendly through various settings which practically do not let you make a mistake when entering data.

Before WizPro, every audit added additional stress when it came to the users’ rights in the system - now this can be done easily on each user, even at a very high complexity level. Wiz can be customized to each user individually.

In conclusion, WizPro means evolution, quick access to information and an easier life for me as a manager.

Reprezentant Iulian Andriuta