
WIZSALARY – Payroll and Personnel Administration

WizSalary is a payroll and personnel administration program designed to provide company managers in Romania with an efficient, accurate and adaptable computerized work tool in terms of labour law amedments.


Currently, WizSalary payroll software is one of the most used software programs in our country:


It is used to calculate wages for over 25% of active employees in the private sector;


Responds to the needs of small and medium – sized businesses with 10 employees or more and large companies with over 10,000 employees;


It is a software developed and updated by Wizrom Software, with more than 20 years of experience on the labor market;


Payroll and personnel administration system using Oracle or Microsoft SQL databases available on client or WEB platforms (HR – personnel administration);


Ensures correctness, security and confidentiality of the data entered, as well as updating with the current legislation;


WizSalary, with the new functionalities available, helps businesses align with GDPR requirements;


Created to interface with Revisal.


  • Precision and accuracy in the calculation of staff remuneration;
  • Security of employee data retained in the database by monitoring registered users’ activity;
  • Incresead efficiency in Human Resources department’s work by automating certain activities and swift issuing documents and reports;
  • Employment relationship compliant with the Romanian Legislation;
  • Quick access to any database information;
  • Provides comprehensive information about the company’s employees;
  • Automates activity from personnel administraton to payroll with the issuance of personnel documents (contract of employment, addendums, wage etc.), declarations and required certificates;
  • Modells and tracks business processes;
  • Eliminates errors by rapid and automatic data – processing;
  • Software designed by a team of 160 professionals with experience in the private sector;
  • Helpdesk support.


This module in WizSalary – payroll program configured to help your HR team to:

  • Import personnel attendance in the database, calculate employees’ salary correctly and completely, taking into account all the income and retention items he/ she may have (allowance, union, medical subscriptions, bonuses, benefits, food stamps, gift coupons etc.) which might be net or gross, in RON or foreign currency;
  • Prepare Declaration 112 for employees in the format requested by ANAF;
  • Issue all the reports required by the HR team, such as: advance payments, waiver, medical leaves, vacation leaves, flyers (on secured paper with the possibility of transmission by e-mail or by self-service module – with online view), summary, labor wage certificates, parental certificates, health, statistical reports, export files for paying salaries to the bank;
  • Apply salary deductions according to court orders;
  • Fill in the form for medical leaves more rapidly using the autofill function;
  • Permit scenarios to be made for the calculation of employees’ gross or net wage.

This module was designed to complement a payroll software’s basic functionalities with:

  • Document generation functionality (addendums, contracts of employment, certain personnel certificates);
  • Interfacing with Revisal and automatic transmission of data with the possibility of registering the employees and their amendments in advance;
  • Establishment and monitoring of the company’s organizational structure; it is a tree structure on 6 levels;
  • Establishment and monitoring hierarchical positions. The organizational chart can be generated in graphical format at any time. This function is available by interfacing with WizOne – Human Resources software;
  • Electronic personnel file management by interfacing with HR WizOne program.

WizAlert module in WizSalary – payroll program which enables automatic generation of e-mail notifications, depending on the existing database rules. Thus these notifications can be sent when certain conditions pre-set by the user are met.

This module is user-friendly and allows the selection and customization alerts with the choice of alert recipients, triggering it with a certain number of days in advance specified by the user.

Exemples of notifications:

  • When hiring a person, sending a message to the IT department in order to create the Windows user and e-mail account;
  • Similarly, when a person leaves the company, in order to disable the user and e-mail account;
  • After a certain number of days following recruitment, sending a message to the IT department for people who have marked in their personal file that they will use the computer but still do not have a Windows user and an e-mail address;
  • Warning e-mail with a number of days before the expiry of the identity card;
  • Warning e-mail with a number of days before the expiry of a fixed – term contract;
  • Warning e-mail with a number of days before reaching the age of 18 years for a dependant;
  • Warning e-mail with a number of days before a person’s birthday.

Every manager needs clear information on the amounts spent with the employees, their activity and other centralized data related to payroll and attendance. WizSalary Payroll Software enables a rapid development of reports by extracting and presenting the data in an easy-to-understand way.

Important functionalities:

  • Issuing reports in excel, word, pdf, html format;
  • Easy reports generation right by the user;
  • Increased security of reports by defining users and access rights for reports configuration and generation;
  • Unlimitted sorting and selection possibilities;
  • Numerous formatting options (font, size and colour).

Track&trace module included in WizSalary payroll software solution allows for HR department manager and managers of the company to:

  • Monitor all the operations performed in the payroll database, thus having a clear picture of it;
  • Monitor all the changes performed by each user registered in the system, particularly in the key fields of the database;
  • Provide automatic feedback, through reports, on any changes performed in the database, with complete information regarding the user, the type of computer used and the type of the change performed (adding, changing, deleting data).

This module works solely in conjunction with the Human Resources program WizOne offered by Wizrom Software. Due to this module, each employee can submit the requested documents in electronic form to the Human Resources department but also can make various requests ( leave, advance of salary, courses enrolment etc.). These applications enter in an automated tracking and approval flow completed with the transmission to the employee of a notification of approval or refusal, as appropriate.

Besides, employees can access at any time their personal files, vacation days and daily attendance status as well as other employees’ public data. They can also update their personal data by uploading copies of relevant documents (new identity card, marriage certificate etc.) into the system.

This module helps reduce employees’ workload in the Human Resources department and increases the efficiency of the department’s activity.

This module is used to import information into WizSalary payroll program database, such as: new employees’ data, the attendance of each employee of the company, salary modification items (bonuses or retains). You can also export files such as book entries, documents requested by banks and authorities.

If you want a Human Resources software and an attendance application, check WizOne solution.

Payroll and Administration – used with success by: