First of all, the sales operation is shorter and 100% secure as information. The sales force is based on this application, which is an ...
Alka Trading Co -
In my opinion, WizPro is a handy solution for all companies that want clarity and ease of processing and analyzing data. The key to ...
De Silva Exclusiv -
I can say now that with WizSalary we have timely reports on the staff turnover of a certain period, the number of inputs and ...
Delaco Distribution Human Resources Manager Rodica Stirbu -
Even now, after more than seven years since we started working with Wiz, we still have a lot to learn and discover. Because at ...
Render Com -
I am working in Saff since September 2001 and I always needed a magic wand in my daily activity, to get me over Excel ...
Saff Trading -
During the years, I have “touched” many programs, but I cannot say there has been another one as complex as WizCount. I will not ...
Sava Exim -
There were several factors which led to the decision to choose WizSalary and WizTime solutions, starting from the prompt response from the supplier to ...
United Romanian Breweries Bereprod -
The implementation team, including both WizSalary Software representatives and people Vincon especially allocated for the development of the project in optimum conditions, realized a ...
Vincon Vrancea IT Manager Petru Nitu